Our Services

Dr. Singh’s evidence-based approach integrates individualized medical, psychiatric and behavioral diagnosis and coaching to improve clients’ sleep health for their optimized physical and mental performance and enhanced health and quality of life.

Dr. Meeta Singh combines her deep scientific expertise with extensive real-world experience working with world-class performance organizations to produce Integrated Sleep Optimization Programs tailored to the unique needs and conditions of individual clients to help them optimize their personal and professional performance. Dr. Singh has served as a consultant for multiple NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, Olympic and college sports teams, as well as large organizations, CEOs and C-suite executives, all seeking to optimize their competitive performance. 

Dr. Singh’s individualized services cut through the hype and disinformation about sleep to provide evidence-based guidance to getting the sleep needed to maximize performance. She leverages behavioral science techniques of motivational interviewing, education, and strategically enhanced environmental cues to help clients fit sleep effectively into their busy lives to optimize wellness and performance. She deploys early interventions and sleep health education to engender fruitful sleep-related beliefs and behaviors, empowering clients to optimize their sleep to achieve maximized daytime performance.